We’ve all heard about sneaky salespeople right, but customers?
Yes, they are out there in the wild.
I entered the custom window treatment field from a completely unrelated industry, where I spent 10 hours a day pounding on a keyboard with relatively few human interactions. Consequently, in my early sales calls I must have come off as a babe in the woods, you know, the guy who just fell off the turnip truck. Most of the folks I met were patient and understanding. With others though, I felt myself being pushed and pulled, poked and prodded. The word ‘manipulated’ comes to mind. It could be a bit overwhelming.
After a couple of months on the job, I did some arithmetic. I figured that by retirement age, a major shade / blind enthusiast could easily have participated in a dozen window treatment consultations! That’s a lot, right?
But quite a few less than I had already experienced in my first 8 or 10 weeks on the job. (And few people consider themselves ‘enthusiasts’!)
So, now being an ‘expert’ and a bit more observant, I began to catalog the…
Top 5 Sneaky Customer Tricks
It doesn’t take too much experience to recognize these tricks, so it’s unlikely you will fool your pro.