In an all too common scenario for an installer, the customer inspects the installed blinds and complains about a discrepancy with what was ordered.
The first question for the customer: ‘Did you save your confirmation?’
That query will often result in a blank or perplexed look but some folks hold on to these bits of paper or emails. If the confirm is present, check the line item in question. Frequently, the confirm will match the delivered product.
‘But that’s NOT what I ordered!’ says the customer.
The installer’s next question should be ‘Did you review your confirmation?’ but this won’t always be received well.
There is a lot of information in a confirmation, including:
- room name(tag)
- product type
- material
- color
- control type and side (if applicable)
- other options
It can be confusing for someone inexperienced in the industry.
If you are the customer, insist that your sales consultant review it line by line. If you are the consultant, offer to do so. What seems a waste of time can save everyone a whole lot of grief later.